The week between Christmas and New Year is my navel gazing week. It’s the week where I get out all the creative bits and bobs, play the tinkly-pinkly-hippy-a-go-go music and ask myself what do I want to create next year?
Two projects that have my attention right now: Business Blogging School (or BBS as we call it) and the other The Moxie Project, which went ‘live’ last week.
BBS is just tickety-booing along all lovely, except for the last week when I caused the white screen of death for a couple of hours, but I knew exactly what was up so was easily fixed.
But The Moxie Project has been one problem of the technical variety followed by the next, and the next, and the next. It’s been a nightmare getting all the parts of that in perfect working order.
Now look, I know when I mump and moan that I’ve been 5 days sorting out bugs and looking at code, most people look at me as if to say, ‘And? You think you have problems?’ they are right of course. It’s not a problem, not really.
There’s a lot worse shit happening in the world.
People have real problems.
But you know how it goes, if it’s your problem, it always seems bigger than it actually is, huh?
During the Chaos of the Week That Was, it wasn’t just me seeing the problem, so were customers. Read: Arggghh!
You were buying because I f*cked up and had put a live link to the website.
In real life, this would be: have you ever had people drop by your house with we were just passing phrase and you were mortified because the place was a complete tip? One of you entertains the guests, while the other nips and gives the loo a quick clean?
That’s what it felt like, the site wasn’t ready. Things were disappearing, not working, getting stuck, heck, you name it – whatever could go wrong, went wrong.
In situations like these I recommend this:
1. Getting dressed because you can’t solve a crisis in your pyjamas.
2. Calling in help. Send the SOS.
3. Stepping away from the problem.
I mean it. You can’t look at solving a problem while your mindset is fixed in the frame of ‘this is impossible to solve’.
I recommend walking away for a bit. Do something for you. Completely distract yourself from the current problem.
Here’s the truthful reason about screwing up:
Forget the technical bits and bobs – The Moxie Project is all based on the premise you’re allowed to F*ck It Up and be totally okay with it!
And here I was doing the exact opposite. I was so not okay with it.
Did I need this little reminder before we start? Me thinks so!
As I write everything is in perfect working order, thanks to some very lovely friends who I can call upon, the technical support was given, and the dogs who had extra walks this week. Could it break again? The answer is: maybe and I say this publicly, I am okay with it.
Take-away tip: if you’ve just scrolled to the bottom, you probably won’t remember this post in the next hour but you may recall the following video in a few months time. Get help, allow for support, step back if you need to, celebrate your achievements when you get there.
And, lastly. Want to join us at The Moxie Project – no, I won’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you support to becoming who you know you are.
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