- Are you sitting on a great idea, plan or project? Scared to release it to let the world judge it’s impact?
- Are you playing small?
- Do you only go so far to the edge of your comfort zone in business and never make the breakthrough steps you know you are capable of but fear keeps you back?
- Do you worry what people with think about you and say behind your back?
Let me tell you a truth …
I waited a 18 months before I started speaking about helping ethical and hippy solopreneurs!
I would get serious cold feet and not market it because I was scared what others would think about the next venture.
The thoughts that raced in my head were:
- I’m not good enough
- What gives me the right?
- I’ll wait until all clients are getting results.
- There are people better than me.
- I’ll be laughed at.
- I don’t know enough yet.
- Can I really work with solo business owners?
- Will people like me and my approach?
I wrote about it poured my guts out about this, you are more than welcome to check it out.
Here’s the strange thing …
I was working already working with solo business owners for a few years before.
I was building websites, sharing how to blog, teaching people how to build an email list and autoresponder, how to find their niche, teaching marketing, and how to write website copy and other yummy business stuff.
What the hell was going on?
Clients were telling me to launch a website. I would reply ‘Oh, I just love doing this stuff to help.’
The truth was, I really loved it, and I was scared.
I had already hired and worked with some of the most amazing coaches, marketers and copywriters. Folks that to me really knew their stuff.
When working with clients I’m confident, do you ever feel that?
When you’re in the moment with a client there is no fear or fraudster feelings?
Geez, I’ve spent more on my business education than I have three times at college … and more time learning and applying.
Nothing excites me more than seeing an a-ha moments or business breakthroughs when with a client.
When people say, ‘I’ve got it. I understand, I know what to do’ and they go off and take action and get results, I’m honoured to be a part of that. I bet you feel that way too doing what you love.
So the fear wasn’t about doing what I loved, the fear was about letting others know what I was doing now.
The fear was wondering what other people would say. The fear was others saying ‘Who does she think she is?’
You Will Never Know Everything
Read that again. You can’t possibly know everything. You will know a heck of a lot about your chosen field and expertise.
Such a waste if your fear is bigger than your purpose.
A crying shame if you let feeling of not being good enough override I am good enough today.
It’s a Common Problem
So you feel fear and like a fraudster. Read this s-l-o-w-ly: so do millions of others.
You think I lie? No. Don’t be fooled. No not even by those who are ‘Super excited at their new project’. Nor the ones ‘Woop Wooping’ all over the place because they have had such an awesome day. In my experience every single business owner I have worked with has talked about fears and being judged by others.
You think you’re alone? You aren’t. Once you start building relationships with other solo business owners I promise (and you can hold me to this) that eventually the truth will come out.
And once you find a group that you can share your fears, hold on to them. Help each other see how ridiculous it all is.
Manage Your Fear and Fraudster Feelings
This is only something you can do. And here’s another thing, as soon as you have kicked the fears you have today up the street, when you and your business grow don’t be surprised if new ones arrive for you to deal with.
It’s all part of the ride. You will face new experiences every day as long as you are in business.
Lean into your fears is one of my favourite sayings. You don’t have to challenge it, conquer it, break it. Lean in. Bend it. Let it break by itself.
Notice all the stuff that you’re putting off, not putting out, not saying because you are scared of the comments and the opinions from others. You know them. You don’t need me as a your coach to help you say out loud what you already know inside as the root cause to what is holding back.
Write down the fear. Write it down and then choose someone you trust and ask them to challenge you on it. Let them help you rip apart the untruths and get to the root of why it’s there.
And the fraudster thing?
It’s all wrapped in fear.
Answer now.
Are you a fraud? Yes or No. Or are you scared others may think you are a fraudster? Are you scared of the opinions of others or your opinions about yourself?
Write down why you think you are fraudster? How big will that list be? Not very.
Now write down all the comments and opinions you think others have about you and ask yourself this, ‘Why does their opinion matter?’
You don’t have to do business in fear. You don’t. Go back to your reason why, your values and your purpose. Let everything you do come from that place inside you that is honest, full of integrity and compassion.
And the critics? Let them crit – they will anyway.
They will always be there. Yes, sometimes you will have to answer them, but answering to them is not the same as letting them run your business. Don’t let them in the door.
Do what you can today. Release what you know you are more than capable of. Stand up. Stand out. Nobody can do this for you.
And if you don’t? What’s your alternative? Pack in? No, thought not.