I wrote once in Facebook, ‘You can always trust yourself’.
Someone replied, ‘No, sorry, I disagree, the state of my life tells me that is simple not true’.
I wrote once in a blog post,’Watch your words. They become your reality.
Someone replied, ‘What a pile of old baloney watching my words will not help me change my life. My life sucks. F*cking self-help p*ss!’
I wrote in an email, ‘We can all do what we love to do.’
Someone once replied, ‘No, we certainly cannot, the entire world is in a terrible mess, and some of us have to work’.
My point is this, when you start to open your mouths and speak not everyone will want to hear what you have to say (this is a good thing), not everyone wants to listen to what you’re saying (this is a good thing), not everyone will side with your view and map of the world (this is a good thing).
You still must own your voice.
My next point is this, when you start to put the time into yourself, when you open your hearts and create not everyone will like, approve or acknowledge what you are up to. Not everyone will understand, everyone will not be waving sparkly pompoms and high five-ing you on. Not everyone will ‘witness’ you.
Some people will enjoy giving you unsolicited feedback at how well you are not doing in their eyes: why you stink, how they would do it better, tell you where (they think) you are flawed… according to their map of the world, their standards, their opinions, their views, their experiences.
Some of these will wash across you.
Some of them won’t.
But you knew that right?
Feelings will rise. Doubts will drive in. Fear will appear, Confidence will be wavered. Worth will be dwindled. Esteem dented. Maybe.
Inside you. Inside me.
It’s the quiet place where others opinions can’t be heard, they are drowned out by your own truth and love for yourself to make your experience matter.
It’s where you trade getting sucked into others telling you who you are, what you are like, what you should be doing to the booming voice that whispers to you, ‘You can do this. You know you can. Now. Is. The. Time’. It’s where you are free, not imprisoned by steel walls of fear.
It’s a tranquil and calm place where no doubt exists, where you swap feeling scared, doubtful and vulnerable to declaring with your whole self, ‘This is my life, and I will live as the best version of me’.
It’s an oasis of peace. It’s where you trade in worry, what-if, I can’t, this is too hard, I’m letting myself down for, ‘Screw it, I’m here now’.
Go there.