- Vulnerability – What Masks Do You Wear
In a recent email I received it said:
‘I always put on a front, I know I’m doing it, I just wish I had the confidence to remove it but I’m scared what others will think, to be me is so vulnerable’.
Why are we so scared to display our vulnerabilities?
Is it just basic survival of the self: we don’t want to appear weak, lacking strength or unable to manage?
Is it all our conditioning? Even in this day and age we hear messages given to children such as ‘boys don’t cry’ or ‘that’s girls for you, over emotional’.
Do we learn people pleasing as children? Are we taught how to cover up as we grow up?
Would it be a good time to remind ourselves that all of us have felt vulnerable at some point in life?
Yes, even those who ‘appear’ extremely confident on the outside may have periods of self doubt, question abilities, are scared about exposing themselves: every now and then?
When you are ‘masking’ yourself, is it highly probably that others are doing exactly the same?
The first steps to removing the front (I believe) is acceptance: acceptance that ‘you’re only human’, that at times you may need to call upon the help and support from others, that self discloser of your vulnerabilities to others is not weak, that showing emotion and admitting your failings and shortcomings is a powerful act.
What would the world be like if we all dropped the masks and exposed the ‘real’ us? Do we need to wear some of a mask in order to protect ourselves and keep us safe? Should we keep parts of us hidden?
Maybe it’s one of the dis-eases of self-help and personal development, have we swung to far?
What do you think?
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