To be who you really are, do what you love to do and make a difference is so simple it does puzzle me that we resist it so much.
See, you are more powerful than you think you are.
You have more power beyond your wildest imagination.
You are free to create.
Cue thoughts of...’I’m not free’ or ‘I have no power’, ‘I can’t create’.
You were born free, powerful and creative. The world has taught you otherwise.
Have you heard the saying ‘your life is a great big canvas, you should throw all the paint you can on it?’
It means that you can create whatever you want to create.
And no, I don’t mean paints and brushes arty-create (although that could be your thing).
If you have a pulse you are a creative being.
Every single moment you are creating.
The canvas is your life. A great big canvas. A great big life.
It’s your masterpiece to the rest of us.
What you throw on it is your choice.
What you display is your choice.
Everything on there is your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, your values, your words, your commitments.
You have the power to whitewash the entire area and start new pictures.
You can”t undo the past. But you can change how you feel about it. You have the freedom to choose what goes on there. You have the potential to make whatever you want to create. You will never run out of paints. Or the space you have to create.
You may of course create a right old messy splodge at times, that’s okay to, you’re innocent.
You can’t paint today what you want in tomorrow. But you can prepare the tools and colour palette.
That canvas is yours to do with what you want. It’s all yours. Nobody is painting for you.
But yes others will try and direct you to paint what they want your masterpiece to look like.
They can but try.
You are always the artist to your own creation. Always.
I would like to be a paid and published writer – but I am not writing! In theory, I have the time since I am currently not employed, but my days get filled up with other “important” tasks: people to see, things to do, and places to go.
I would love a seat in this class because I hope it would help me remove my resistance. My overall concept that I want to teach myself and others is how to be a Woman Making Strides. “A woman who makes strides appreciates being alive and takes active steps to care for her body, mind, and spirit. She accepts challenges along her path and uses her God-given talents to better the world.”
However, I need clarity on exactly what I want to write — a novel? a cozy mystery? magazine articles?