I wonder what could happen if we all lived and created without stepping back.
I also wonder how long it will be before we stop playing the game.
A game which, until you stop playing it, is designed so you’ll never ever win.
A game that was created and in full swing before you were even considered.
The systems, rules, expectations of your next move were in place before you even took your first breath. From the moment you arrived you were given a hand to play, whether you wanted to take part or not.
We’re all in the game and it’s still being played.
The Game by its design and systems has resulted in most people living:
- In utter misery
- Lost
- Scared
- Fearful
- Stuck
- Empty
- Passion/Purpose/Meaning-Less
It breaks my heart that people feel more disconnected and lack a sense of belonging now, more than any time in the past.
People are scared. Scared to be who they really are because they’ve been led into the game.
Is it any wonder that more and more people are turning their back on systems, rules, regulations to live a life with meaning and purpose? You may feel that you’re the only person who is questioning, you’re not, I can assure you of that.
Did you at one time think you could achieve anything?
When did you stop believing that were true?
- When was the day?
- The time?
- Where were you?
- Who were you with?
What! You don’t remember? You don’t remember something that big? Of course you don’t. When you entered the game you weren’t even thinking for yourself. You didn’t know any better.
The rules of the game
The Rules of the Game are simple and (for many here in the West) can include: go to school, study hard, go to college, study hard, get a ‘good’ job, work hard, build a career, work hard, add into that the other ‘norms’: find a partner, get a house and settle down, have/have not children, progress through career, retire, then sit back and enjoy life.
Whose rules are these?
No, but according to the game, the rules are clear.
Don’t try and rewrite and rethink the systems, they are there because they ‘work’. Oh, really? I disagree.
Oh, really? I disagree.
- Why are people stressed, burnt out, and feeling worthless?
- Why are people pretending to others everything is fine?
- Why are people turning to TV, drugs, alcohol to dull the pain?
- Why is the world divided into ‘have’ and ‘have-not’?
- Why the fuck does poverty still exist?
- Why does mental ill-health affect 1 in 4 adults yearly?
- Why are people losing their homes and jobs, because the Game screwed them up?
- Why are people more concerned with their hairstyle rather than millions of children dying each day because of a lack of water?
I didn’t buy into this? Did you?
The people that stop here want to make a difference, and they want that because they know that the game is a pile of bull.
The old rules don’t apply anymore. Not to everyone.
Remember: in utter misery, lost, scared, fearful, stuck, empty, passion/purpose/meaning-less.
When the game questioned, by you, me, others, you’ve probably found to play your own rules comes at a price, how dare anyone step away from the system and start to question.
Why is it a con?
Because you’ve been taught and conditioned that the above ‘way to live life’ was the correct (and only) way. And there’s no correct way.
You may not believe that 100%, that’s okay and thank goodness, I don’t want you to just accept all that I’m saying.
That’s the way the game works, not me. The game wants you to just ‘follow the norm and not step away from the herd‘.
It would rather you didn’t question.
I want to question. Do you?
Think about it for a second. Think about all the people you know or aware of (alive, dead, famous or not) who decided to stop playing the game and questioned the rules. Were they mocked, ridiculed, rejected, classed insane?
Did people comment and pass judgement because they were different?
When you do normal most people are happy, when you step away, most people get uncomfortable and always have something to say.
Oh, the game loves that.
A sure guarantee that many of you who try to break barriers and boundaries will return back to the herd: not because it’s better because its grip is stronger than you realise.
Some did question and stepped away and made a complete hash of it. History tells us that. But some stepped and changed the entire world for the better, they stepped out because they believed in why they were stepping. Their actions to make the world a better place for all of us blasted any fear.
And in case you’re wondering this message of mine is not about giving the world a two fingered salute or narcissism .
No, it’s the exact opposite.
- It’s about saying no to fear. Embracing life, living empowered (and being empowering) stepping up, being passionate and loving the ride…everyone included.
- It’s about being inspired and being inspiring…everyone included.
- It’s about sharing, connecting, spreading value: your unique value, whatever the hell that is because I utterly believe that we can all make a difference, that we don’t have to do this shit alone.
Remember this site is about having the courage to speak your own truth and support others to voice theirs, and that could mean re-questioning everything that the game has led you to believe about what’s possible, for you.
And it may mean unlearning a few things.
Sure, you’ve probably had really good happy times, got some wonderful memories, and no doubt successes along the way. Geez, you’re human. You probably don’t hate every part of your life. (Maybe you do, I don’t know. Oh gosh I do hope not.)
The rules are there to lock us down
In my professional experience, most attempt to play the game before they realise it’s broken.
They actually can’t do anything but play it (me, you, everyone has taken part), when we leave our first systems, education, we are put in another, the workplace.
By the time I talk to them they have no idea who they really are, they do know they’re unhappy, hating what they ‘do’, sick of playing the waiting game (after school I’ll do this, after college I’ll do this, when I have a month off I’ll do this, when the children are bigger I’ll do that, when I’m happier in myself I’ll to this, when I have more confidence I’ll do that, when I feel good about me I’ll do this)
And what’s funny is the game has gripped you, it’s got you just where it wants you, the systems it designed are all set up to make sure you have to wait. The game knows because you have been so well conditioned that you’ll wait until all conditions are perfect.
For example:
- You can’t allow yourself to fulfil your wildest, craziest dreams and ambitions because you fear looking stupid.
- You can’t allow yourself to really work at your love, because of the games rules on economy and money.
- You can’t bring yourself to really be who you are because the game doesn’t like it when people step away from its rules.
What happens when you wake up from the game and it’s rules?
Well, you might get depressed, feel stress, you could rely on drink, food or a line of the white stuff to help you through the waiting.
You could punish yourself, have crappy relationships, or you may take your frustrations and anger out on those closest to you, you could shrink inside, get angry, be full of guilt, pain, negativity, and be your own worst enemy.
So what can you do?
First, accept that the game is designed to shut you down.
You, operating at a lower level:
- Have you ever felt you’re just getting by? Or that you live groundhog days?
- Do you play the work systems and feel time is speeding up?
- When you laugh and are totally in the flow of life, does your energy rise? Erm, do you feel alive?
The con game is to make sure you just get your head down, follow the rules, work hard, and never question.
Questions arise.
You were free once
Before you entered the games systems: school being your first placement.
The games schooling taught you what to learn for exams, it didn’t need or want you to think because the systems were already designed so you just had to remember.
Where is the good news?
It’s about questioning. Not lying down to the messages of ‘this is the way the world is’, or ‘some have, some don’t’, or ‘they were born on the luckier side of the street’. It’s nonsense.
We all aren’t going to be the next Steve Jobs, or Richard Branson. We probably won’t give the next ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech, we all won’t be the next ‘Gaga’ or ‘Beyonce’. Not because we can’t, but because they are not us, you have your own work to do.
Are you getting this?
Where do you start?
There is plenty here but keep looking because you aren’t alone wanting to create a different life. There’s plenty messages and lots of information out there to help you redesign work and life. I’m not an ego maniac, nor do I (just another human being) have all the answers. Keep searching.
While you’re here. It was my intention that nobody left empty handed.
I don’t know where you are currently at or what your life looks like.
You could have the confidence but don’t have a clue where to begin, you could have plans but lack the confidence. Or, simply you don’t have a clue where to begin? It could be that you’re toe-dipping, you might be scared to even consider being who you really are, never mind follow your passions and live with purpose.
The first thing you could do is sign up for updates.
Where you’re at, right now, the finding your passion, calling, living on purpose is not going to happen overnight. It’ll take time. Stay updated and keep popping back here from time to time. You can use the form below to do this.
(Your details are never shared. Ever. Pinky Promise)