Before we begin, just a quick reminder about what interviewers are really like, the results may shock you:
- They go to the loo, like you.
- They may hate Mondays, like you.
- They are showing their ‘best’ self, like you.
- They have yuckie stuff going on their life, like you.
- They have good days and bad days at work, like you.
- They may have the tea conversation every night, like you.
- They eat, sleep, and probably have arguements with loved ones, like you.
- They have probably put an extra effort on what they are wearing on interview day, like you.
They’re human, remember that.
Here’s 7 Things To Do The Day Before, The Day Before, The Day of The Interview:
1. Read The Company/Employer Website Back to Front, Upside Down, In All the Nooks and Crannies
Spend as much time on it as you do on Facebook in a week. Follow all their links, who are they connecting with, what are they talking about, what projects are they working on?
If they have a blog, read the darn thing, what are they talking about? What are they involved with? What are their ideas?
Have nosey at their Tweets, Facebook updates, Linkedin status – what are they saying on social media?
Follow, like and add them.
Write down five things that interested you. When you’re being interviewed, if it’s appropriate, talk about what you found out on their website. **Say you were on it**. Can the information you learned be turned into questions? See no 2!
Extra Reading: Using Linkedin To Follow Potential Customers from Great Resumes Fast
2. Prepare Questions Please
Five of them at least. Not the salary one or the holidays one.
Take out the job description, person specification or any other material you have (see no 1) and see if you can find something in those to write cracking, awesome questions.
If not, think like an interviewer. What would you love to be asked about the job or role if you were interviewing?
Go back to the job description or person spec and ask yourself, what problems are they trying to solve with this position?
Extra Reading: Think Like and Employer on Harvard Business Review article by Bill Barrett
3. Go and Visit the Place Where the Interview Is Being Held (if you can)
Without looking like a creepy stalker, get a feel for the building (if you can get in). Check out the atmosphere.
Where are people going for lunch and coffee? Nip to those also. Get a real sense of the place.
I have all my employability clients do this, if you already have a feel for a place, know what to expect I promise this reduces nerves.
Try this: make chums with the reception peeps. Tell them you are coming for an interview and want to get a feel for the place. Ask them what their interview was like, they’ll tell you.
4. Visualise The Start, Middle and End of the Interview
Think of all the things that may put you of your stride: a ‘wimp’ handshake, a not so friendly smile, stares from the panel?
See them happening and then prepare yourself ‘mentally’ of how you will successfully cope and react. Then, see yourself after the interview, get a picture and feeling of how you are going to leave. Play it over and over again.
Do You Have a Fear of Meetings try the exercise at the bottom of the page.
5. Have Answers for Your Awkward Questions in Advance
Some of my clients say ‘what if they ask me about that’, usually they’re referring to a gap, perhaps a role that didn’t last because they hated it, or a personal time in their life that they aren’t comofrtable talking about.
You need to be ready. If you have any anxiety over what you might be asked, you can prepare for it.
Think of the questions you don’t want to be asked and prepare your answers. Play them in your head. Ensure your reply is honest, yet still would have no reflection on the role you are applying for. It won’t will it? There is no question that you cannot answer, see no 7!
You probably have a few ‘personal’ toughies that aren’t covered anywhere online! Ask a friend to listen to your reply to your awkward question, and ask them to give you feedback on your answer.
6. Get A Mock Interview In
If you can afford it hire a career coach to run through a mock interview with you, do it. If you’re low waged or not working at the moment, and in the UK, do a little research and find organisations in your local area who provide that offer employability services (start with your local volunteer group or centre).
Mock interviews (done well) are a fantastic opportunity to iron out any sticky points, plus get feedback on presentation skills, how you came across, what did an answer sound like, was it good enough, did you say enough etc. A good ‘mock’ will feel like the real deal.
7. Remember You’re Nearly There
About those nerves, you’ve earned the right to be there, please remember that.
They want to meet you, think on that for a second. They already think that you might be suitable for the role, they came to this conclusion through your CV or Application Form (however you got in the door). So you’re half way there.
If you believe what you wrote, then you know that you only have to live up to what you said.
Yes, you’ll probably have competition. And that’s good, right? If you were interviewing you want to have a choice, wouldn’t you?
Write a list of your key strengths before your interview. When they ask you ‘do you have any questions’ (which they will), it’s perfectly fine to say ‘I just wanted to leave you with a few of my strengths and where you could use them‘ and tell them.
The first impression is mega important, the lasting impression is the one that sticks.
If you needs some interview prep contact me, we can even hook up for some coaching.
Your Turn
What are your top tips to do the day before, the day before the day of the interview?
This article was great thank you so much!
Thank you, this was incredibly helpful, especially with my interview tomorrow morning :)