Which means if the title is true I am awesome, amazing, too hot to handle.
I totally screwed up today. We are talking a monumental. I have decided to add the ‘u’ vowel to fuck. I could have done the whole f*ck up thing. But why? I did fuck up. Putting a wee ‘*’ ain’t going to change it.
Today has been a day of either realising where I have fucked up, or, other people have been made aware of their fuck ups and feel rotten about it.
Wasn’t just me, lots of us fucked up. Today.
I got stuff wrong. They got stuff wrong. So what? No biggie. Simply told people ‘sorry, I/we fucked up’, actually what we really said was, ‘I am so sorry, this is my fault, let me try and fix it for you’. Totally could be, and was fixed. Nothing is not sortaboutable (that’s not really a word). Nothing.
The aftermath was in our head.
You know, it grates me, I am slightly giggling, but, still, it does actually bother me that when we ‘fuck up’ the nonsense we put ourselves through: what will people think, what if others think I am not worthy/capable/together enough, people/others will judge me on this one thing (not the amazing things I have done before) utter nonsense.
I’m not talking here about the ‘fuck ups’ that would matter, ‘ya know, you may be a surgeon and remove the wrong kidney type thing, I’m talking about slip up’s, got it wrongs, whoopsies, totally fixable stuff.
Are we all watching, waiting for others to judge us? What happened to compassion? Really? I am done with the judgement people can give when another human being makes a whoopsical.
We. Are. Human. We get stuff wrong. Often.
If you judge people when they fuck up: why?
If you beat yourself to a pulp when you fuck up: why?
I don’t know where I am going with this.
I think I want to say, we all fuck up. Sometimes it’s noticed by others, sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it’s no big deal (apart from in our own heads). Sometimes we do have to admit to mistakes, face the consequences and fix what we have whoopsied on. Sometimes we think it’s a HUGE deal we have screwed up (to others), when the reality is, it really isn’t.
Perfectionism is so 1980’s and over-rated.
7 Benefits to Fucking Up Royally:
- You get to apologise. And, REALLY MEAN IT! A ‘I’m sorry’ is only as good as ‘I will change my behaviour’.
- You get to learn.
- You (I hope) get to laugh. Sometimes? Yes?
- You get to correct and make it ‘right’.
- You get to be vulnerable. Wow!
- You are seen as a human being.
- You get to be human (how cool is that?)
Come on, share, where have royally fucked up recently? Learning?
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