There will never be two days the same for you. Ever. That alone may bring a sigh of relief or one of frustration.
Some days will be so easy as they present unexpected wonderful surprises. Other days will present unexpected challenges that you are required to overcome before you move forward and get done. Some days you will be in the flow, swimming with the current: on these days you will experience joy, bliss, flow, momentum and other days you feel like you are dragging yourself along the dirty silt at the bottom.
Some tasks will be easy. Some tasks you will fly through because you know exactly what it is you have to do, and how to do it.
But you will have other days…
Some will be a challenge. Some tasks will stump and confuse you. Some tasks you will avoid because you don’t find them pleasant. Some days you will see what needs doing as an insurmountably hurdle, sure you’ll be able to put it off, but only for a while, before that also needs done.
There is no good day. There is no bad day. They are just days. Easy. Hard. Challenging. A breeze. Simple. Complex.
You can’t control what happens in a day, but you ALWAYS are in control of how you feel as the day walks to meet and pass you: hour by hour, moment by moment, instant by instant.
“The best way out is always through.” wrote Robert Frost. Take each day as it arrives. One day you may choose to start with what challenges you, perhaps not today, but one day soon. Avoiding is 100x harder to sit with than going walking right through. You only need to remind yourself of a time in your past when you thought, ‘What was I worried about? Why didn’t I do that sooner?’
Nothing will ever be presented to you that you cannot handle. Sometimes the challenge is not the challenge itself, but the challenge is how you take it in your hands. How you take it down. How you start to unpick it piece by piece. How you decide and take action into moving it into the ‘done’ pile.
Have a day. The one you want.
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