The problem? You’ll probably get anything. (It’s only a problem when you know you want something else!)
Anything is an unspecific everything.
Anything is also nothing.
Anything is a whatever, don’t care, not bothered.
Anything is indifferent.
Anything is no decision.
Anything is a shrug of the shoulders, couldn’t care less, it doesn’t really matter.
Here’s the thing, we sometimes say anything because we’re scared to admit we have a desire to wanting something else or the real thing.
When you settle for anything, you’re settling for any excuse not to decide.
When you settle for anything, are you confusing I can’t with I won’t?
When you live in a world of anything, does anything of meaning to you really happen?
When you accept anything is good enough for you, are you denying that you’re worthy enough of the real thing?
Anything involves a lot of but-ing and I can’t-ing and because-ing.
I would love to do that but I don’t have the energy, time, money, support, resources, education, qualifications, experience … and so on.
That would be so amazing for me but I can’t because I don’t have the energy, time, money, support, resources, education, qualifications, experience … and so on.
Tip: Replace but with however, it helps eliminate the negative after the positive when you’re talking about what is possible for you.
To do: (Not new in shelf help land and incredibly easy) Ban the word can’t from your vocabulary for one week (build it to a lifetime if you can!), become an observer of those around you, count how many times you hear others use it. Startling.
The first decision to make is are you worthy of something?
If yes, the second decision is, make decisions.
If no, click here.
Take action on the something, do anything but accept anything.
I couldn’t help but be reminded, “If you fall for anything, you’ll stand for nothing.”
Love this reminder at THIS time of year.