Social Media is hot! And in the near future it’s not going to be cooling down: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube, WordPress…how can they benefit your career?
Facebook alone there are:
More than 550 million active users (and 170 MILLION business pages…that’s important for your career)
50% of users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook!
Leveraging the Power of Social Media for Your Career, is about using all the popular platforms to ensure you’re visable, networking, sharing, building credibility, connecting and creating awareness to the people that you want to matter or otherwise known as marketing and branding yourself!
1. Make sure that you use the privacy settings available – a ‘checking employer’ doesn’t need to see what you got up to last Saturday night!
2. Use Google Alerts or Social Mention to quickly discover the jobs/positions that are available in your field.
3. Set yourself up a blog. What, you? Yes, and blog about the industry you wish to enter. Write a couple of articles about your industry.
4. Ask for introductions or introduce yourself to people you want to connect with. What benefits are there to knowing you?
5. Brand all your pages. Keep the same ‘personality’ on them all.
6. Use the Facebook ‘Friends List’ if needed on Facebook, to ensure your status updates are being seen by the right people.
7. Comment and have conversations with the people you are connected with. It is called social media for a reason.
If you can get to Edinburgh on the 6th December, and you would like help with your career, please accept my invite to a free seminar ‘How to Market Yourself a New Career’ click on the link for full details.
Having inappropriate photos or status updates on one’s social media presence can seriously compromise a job opportunity. Good tip on having a consistent personal brand throughout.
Yes, there is something to be said for using those privacy settings!