Have you been noticing all the new year, new you marketing messages?
Before you send away for a years supply of a slimming drink, 12 months membership to ‘Your Future Year in Astrology’, a ‘Hip, Bum and Tums’ implement of torture from QVC or ‘At Home Lipo Suction Toolkit’ with $4000 in bonuses (WOW) from some 4am dodgy shopping channel, get yourself a mince pie and pause a minute…
A new ‘calander’ year is nearly upon us both, this is true, are you ready to embrace it or are you going to go through a ritual of self-punishment and abuse as you plan a ‘rebirth’ for yourself via new year resolutions generally written out of sheer panic.
The coming of a New Year does carry an outstanding amount of hope, optimism and freshness (psychologically the use of the word ‘new’ being a leading contributor, let’s leave language and triggers for another day). Is it because 1st January is the only day of the year when we’re fully aware, present and paying attention to the passing of our clock time, is that why we become melancholy and introspective about it?
When you’re celebrating are you conscious about the hands on the clock “half an hour to go, ten minutes, five minutes, 20 seconds, 10, 9, 8…Happy New Year!” Is there another time in the year you do this?
Some people who realise that their time here is indeed passing and becoming less, set about creating for themselves little life instructions; resolving ‘problems’ or finding solutions, breaking negative habits, they decide that they are not going to be the same person this year as last year, and they consider to do all this at the stroke of midnight on ONE day of the year!
No, I’m not belittling resolutions it’s the ‘done once a year’ part that I’ve got a bee in my bonnet with! I applaud the act of resolving problems, goal setting, planning and future pacing. I congratulate and I’m always in awe of an individual who is willing and committed to spending more time thinking about their life than they do planning a two week holiday every year!
We all have unlimited potential to create a life of our own choosing, of course we do, more than we could possibly need in an entire lifetime. Yet new year resolutions don’t cut it – for at least 90% of people who ONLY set them! The person declaring ‘I’m giving up smoking’ or ‘I’m going to be thin’ or ‘I’ll find the perfect partner’, backed by airy fairy and wishy-washy happy clappy thinking may find they are done, failed and dusted by the 5th of January, then leave it until the next 1st of January before they start again.
However if they had started out strong with a clearly defined plan and map PLUS a desire to break through all and every barrier that could be thrown in their way, like a ninja or warrior armed to the teeth with ideas, creativity, commitment, solutions, determination, drive and prepared to sweat really hard if needed they may have had a very different result.
If they had first resolved to be full of resolve! Not quitting, giving up or let their ‘hope’ falter.
Here’s the thing, it really doesn’t matter what day of the year it is for us to resolve that the past has gone and that we have 365 daily opportunities for creating and carving a new way of life, for 100% believing in ourselves and our abilities to find solutions for problems (that we are part of and may have created).
That every day we can make things happen or not.
That we don’t need to wait for the clock hands to make the choice that all time is our time.
That we are and always will be the same people today as what we were yesterday or last year however, we have more than enough potential to aspire, create and carve our alternatives.
If you wake up each day, are you able to hold onto the feeling and hope that a new year brings? Please don’t waste it, don’t let ‘clock time’ determine when it’s your time — it’s always yours, the question is do you have the resolve to take it?
Happy All and Everything!
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