This was in the ‘Nearly a Newsletter’ Not signed up? See that big box over on the right. Yeah, that one. Fill that in, and I’ll send a copy. (It’s suitable for vegans.)
Following Dreams. Catch the Dream. Dream Big.
You know the words. You’re bombarded with the messages that ‘dreaming’ is a really good thing.
It is.
But don’t betray them.
Now, before anyone sends me screeching hate mail instructing me that it’s my ‘job to encourage people to dream’.
Let me ask you this: are you stuck in the dream of what you would like to create?
Many of you have been sending emails about ‘your big dreams’. And in them, you’re talking about ‘if the time were right I would…’, or ‘maybe when the…(fill in the blank)…I will’.
I know we’ve been here before but no time will ever be the 100% right time to start anything.
Never. Ever. Ever
Wake up. Trust Yourself. Aspire. Action.
What’s the difference? Loads.
It’s as different as night and day!
Dream: to vision
Awaken: consciously aware
Aspire: pursue
Creation requires action. (And dreaming time.)
How much have you pursued the dream when conscious? How long, specifically, have you been ‘asleep’?
Wake up.
1. Just start.
2. Put in the 1st attempt.
3. Do something towards the creation today. You don’t have to do it all today!
4. Stop listening to your brain critic that it’s not the right time, this won’t work, what am I doing this for, I’m not ready, it’s too big a dream to start.
Really? Then close your eyes.
Sleep on and dream this:
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
Ha ha ha, hey Dawn, I really like to hand pick my quotes!
Yes, now is the now.
Indeedy. Took me years to work that out! What are you dreaming up NOW? x