So, on Twitter today someone posted ‘take the book nearest you, turn to page 45, and the first three words describe your life at this moment’.
‘Yeah, right!’ says thought.
But still, curiosity got the better of me so I picked up the nearest book the cat was keeping warm, flicked to page 45 and read the first three words which were, ‘Where Are You?’
Feck! It was spot on. Spooooooky.
No, not spooky, we can attach value and place personal meaning on anything we want to, that’s how powerful we are – by thought alone we decide this is valuable and means something, and this is not.
Defining idea: everything is valueless until we attach meaning to it.
(Which reminds me, I must write about my disaster day a few weeks ago and attaching self to stuff, ‘scuse me while I make a note of that).
Right, where were we?
Oh yeah, the 3 words, ‘Where Are You?’ my answer, ‘In motion.’
I’m at an end and at a beginning. Exciting times.
Have you ever felt something similar?
Where you just know (by that lovely gorgeous inbuilt wisdom you own) you’re at an ending, but you aren’t 100% clear of what you’re creating next, or where you’re stepping and putting your tootsies?
But you also know that the shifts are for your greater good?
One thing to do would be to ignore the feeling that something is most definitely coming to end and new is emerging, and plod on unconsciously with life as normal.
I’ve done that before – plodded unconsciously – even though I knew (hello wisdom/intuition/whatever you want to call it … we meet again) the new beginnings – although perhaps a challenge and uncertain – would have brought me closer to who I really am.
And here’s the insanity part … I didn’t walk that way.
There’s a saying ‘it’s easier to destroy than to create’. (Ever built a sandcastle – I rest my case).
But it’s a thread all through life – art, projects, ideas, relationships, connections, learning, work, intentions, goals, all areas- when we create unconsciously, not being present, truthful and mindful about the creation.
I mean, take relationships – maybe this is just true for me but I’ll eat my socks if it is (I won’t actually do that) – I’ve ‘fallen in love’ and created relationships unconsciously.
Translated, that means, what the hell was I thinking? I know what I was thinking now – not a heck of a lot – or more truthfully, I was thinking exactly what I got. Mmm.
And, like most things in life that we unconsciously create it isn’t long before cracks start to show.
Consciously creating is a soul-full work.
And surprise, surprise, surprise – we don’t seem to get round to it that often. Why? I think because we are so busy responding and reacting to out there we don’t have time to think what is really going on inside.
I mean to cease reacting to all and everything? Um, there’s a challenge, especially at the speed of which information comes at us and how it demands we pay attention.
You are in creation at every instance, of every day, we all are – how cool is that?
By thought alone you create. And you have many thoughts.
To consciously create takes courage as (let’s not lie) it can be uncomfortable, it can bring up for you all your vulnerabilities, fears, insecurity and doubts to make (be) that which you have never made (become) before, what a dare!
I’m in. And I’m playing. I’m accepting my own dare.
Where Are You?
Did you know the word courage is from the French word cor, derived from Latin it means ‘heart’ and with ‘soul or mind’? And that is where I am at on page 45, I fit a quote at the moment ‘let go of who you think you are so that you can become who you came here to be’.
Where am I?
Happily going through some transforming, endings, shifting and moving … putting more soul into what goes on around here … but that’s me, what about you?
Here’s an idea for you:
I’m not asking you to walk along with me (this is my path) but is there something in your life that you are holding onto so tightly but you know if you found the courage to let it go you will become who you came here to be?
Oh, that’s a question and a half, huh?
Do you have a little time today to spend on your courage (mind, heart and soul) consciously?
Can you give yourself the space in each instance to not react – even for 24 hours? Play with it?
Can you spend 10 minutes to consider where are you living by reaction: what you ‘should’ be doing, what you ‘have to do’ and how it’s stopping what you came here to do?
Are you able to take those same 10 minutes to consciously answer who’s expectations, dreams, goals and life are you truly living – are you creating it, or has/is someone or something created/creating it for you?
What’s in your life keeping you back from who you truly are, and you don’t even know how it happened?
Where are you giving enough time and space to becoming who you came here to be?
What are you paying attention to?
What thoughts are you splashing around in that are causing you forget you can actually swim?
Maybe you’ve just scanned the questions. That’s okay. I’m not that conscious when I’m sat at the computer or playing with my phone either.
Are you able to scroll back up, read them again, and let them sink in?
Along with this … you are not here to live, work, or create in fear (think I might get that tattooed on my forehead, I’m never done saying it!).
You are here to be uniquely you.
To live the truth of who you really are. (Second tattoo).
Your truth. Not one created for you.
I know you know that. But the world is designed (at present) to keep you separated and distant from knowing (unless you are consciously aware of it).
When you take your 10 minutes today think about this … what life would you be creating if you consciously aligned yourself with you truly are?
Email me your thoughts if you fancy, I promise to reply before 2020!
Oh, and don’t worry if your answers are foggy, cause the coolest part in all this is, your truth isn’t going anywhere, it will sit there, patiently, waiting for your return.
Where are you?
Stay conscious.
Hi Dawn
Friggin brilliant- love the new format. I 100% agree with what you said so you don’t have to eat your socks. I won’t eat my socks cause in Canada it gets so cold & rarely warm that I avoid socks while the temp is balmy( translation in Canadian anything above -15 c )ha ha plus I hate socks, I’m afraid they never stay on my feet???
Other than that I’m perfectly imperfect
I love you. Would you knit them? Socks that is. :-) xxx
This article reached me at the perfect time! I have been conquering fears lately, and discovering who I really am, why I really dream the things I dream for my life, and how to keep conquering negative thoughts and a critical mindset that goes against creativity and everything good I have achieved and still have to offer! I am very passionate about music and dance, (I dance because of music). I will be teaching an adult/teen dance class in a style that is my personal niche and collection of what I have learned in my life and the movement I am drawn to in dance. Even though I got an actual paying position in a legitimate ballet studio; my underlying fears are still that I am 1) Not good enough to be TEACHING dance at this level, 2) Not creating out of an authentic place to teach from my heart, (trying to be someone else), 3) I am only teaching because I never conquered the fears that kept me from being a professional dancer/performer, and now I’m just too old (31) and my only option is to teach! While #3 might be somewhat true; I also believe that everything worked out the way it did for a reason, and I am only now courageous and aware enough of myself to conquer the fears that will lead me to the visions and dreams I believe are a part of me for a reason. This is all still a work in progress…I do not feel “successful” in the aspirations I have for myself in dance or creative path in life as of yet. But, I am proud of myself for never really giving up the deeply embedded dream of dance and music and how it might be able to help others.