So Monday came around last week and on the write it down and hope to have least done a couple of things by the end of the day list was the Living Moxie Not-Really-A-Newsletter thang.
I sat for two hours and had nothing, brain freeze. I started the odd paragraph. And then deleted. Started. Deleted. Started. Deleted.
Then I did come up with something and the cat walked across the keyboard, the computer got all pissed and shut down.
So then I had a JOYFEAR moment, what would happen if I told people I had nothing. So I did.
What happened? You replied.
And you made me laugh. You really are witty peeps.
Apparently having nothing is a shared experience we both have, huh? Thank you for your advice of have a bath, you need coffee and quickly, take a break, go and walk the dogs, which makes me even more surprised, you remember the smaller details, the things that I don’t think matter, you remember. Dogs? Coffee? Bath to think?
There was a time when I wouldn’t have had the guts to send an email like that. Here’s my thinking there is so much that I still do in business that is ‘monkey-style’ or ‘parrot fashion’.
What this has reminded me is that nothing compares to just being open, vulnerable and human.
It’s where we can all meet.
Love it! So true that the moment we stop trying to look smart, or witty, or deep or whatever and are just honest, people connect with it the most! It feels good to not be the only one with that writing experience. Thanks, Dawn! :)