Where are you stalling?
Where are you saying ‘I’m not ready’.
Where has fear got your guts truly locked in?
Just start. Start now. You don’t need to have the full colour picture of the end result in your mind before you begin. Any end result before you get there is just a projection anyway, it’s not fact or truth as it is yet to exist.
There are no guarantees that what you are trying to achieve is going to be successful beyond your wildest imagination. There are no guarantees that what you are creating people will like and buy. There are no guarantees that what you are working on today will be your best work in 10 years time.
In fact, there are no guarantees about anything.
You have no control over what’s going to come up, neither do I, we don’t have that power. And yet, we cannot survive for long on the imaginary edge in business of will I, won’t I – eventually you have to move. Do you move forwards or retreat backwards?
The bottom of all the work you are doing today could fall out by tomorrow.
So, I’ll ask again where are you stalling?
What are you not doing but you know it needs done?
What are you waiting on?
What piece of irrefutable evidence are you seeking to confirm to you that what you are doing carries no risk? It doesn’t exist.
Are you lurking around waiting to see how stuff works for others? Are you too busy watching what everyone else is up to, watching them fail and have success so you will eventually have enough proof that you can go-ahead or not?
You have choices to make: you can choose to stay in love with excuses or you can choose not to. Your call.
You can use excuses of I don’t have the skills, abilities, knowledge, power, influence, connections, technical know-how and whatever others you can think up to keep you stuck. Fear loves that, it loves the fact it’s immobilising you.
But you don’t have them? They aren’t excuses? That’s the truth.
You’ll never learn them until you start. You can’t over obstacles in your way if you aren’t heading somewhere and letting them come up. You have to start. What’s to appear will come up in good time, at the right time, it will present itself to you and because you started, because you overcame the obstacles of yesterday you will be in a better place for the ones today.
Doing your most authentic and great work is sometimes like leaping into a void: a pit of unknowns, no safety net, no sure guarantees that everything will happen in the exact order you want them to happen. Doing your most authentic and great work is always about pushing through your own barriers and excuses. Doing your most authentic and great work is leaping when you aren’t 100% ready.
Every step you take is unknown, sometimes each step is riskier than the last. Overcome your own excuses and objections by starting, today’s obstacles will become something else tomorrow and that’s the way it goes.
Start. Or retreat back of the ledge. You may be more comfortable and safe but is that what you really want deep down?
Start now, start from where you are with all that you have at this moment. Start now with the resources you do have, with the passion you came with. Start now meeting the needs you see today and the skills you have to meet them. Start now with a picture of the end result you would like but be willing (and sometimes need to) change it. Start now and invent as you go, create as you move along, accept help when needed, give it when asked.
Please. I urge you to just start.