I’ll just dive straight in with this … I’ve been wrong, no, I’ve changed my mind. As I’d rather be happy than right, it’s time for clarity. I’ve said often that I can help you ‘create a life/career/business that matters’ or ‘create that life, the one you really want’ (real coachy-trainery-in-diapers language). It suggests that life now doesn’t count. That’s just not true. I was thinking about it last night, hence ….
It’s 3.25 am, I am sitting in my living room.
On my left is my older dog Amber, she’s finally asleep. Sleep is rare because of doggy Alzheimer’s, or doggysheimers as I call it. The name change is so I don’t get caught up in the fear and distress of the dis-ease that has turned night into day, and day into night for her, and me.
This moment, right this second, I’m grateful that her little brain is letting her body do what it wants to do.
On the sofa opposite sleeps my sisters dog, her legs are twitching, perhaps chasing rabbits or her nemesis Maxwell (the new cat addition in my house since my friend passed away). Max is asleep behind her. It’s a bold move. His black coat camouflaging him.
On my right is Inca, my collie nemesis, she’s upside down and snoring, still holding a sock in her mouth. If I move, she will. I’ll stay here wedged in a little longer.
And I’ve just read a quote and deepened my love for Rumi further, ‘Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour’, only I’m questioning it’s authenticity, would Rumi have used the world rigged? I’m lost down the Internet for clarification.
Just life. Ordinary. A moment in time. Mundane detail.
We all have normal and ordinary, unusual and extraordinary.
We each have a story being penned, and within the main framework are millions of little chapters all playing out. We don’t usually speak about them, let alone notice them.
And at the same time we have thoughts of standing by our core, to know why we are here and what we’ve to do, live our function.
To not waste our time available. Among the daily details we caress and go back and forth with thoughts of wanting to change, to grow, transform, to live a life that truly matters. To create. To do work we love. To love deeply. To remember who we really are.
Through the ordinary routine we want to be brave enough to take the solitary journey inside, to enter that place alone and have the courage to look at who we really are. We want to accept where we’ve been, put down the past, and quit wasting time living in (or being scared) of the future. We want to let go of what we constantly hold on to that know longer serves us.
In among the humdrum and everyday we want to choose Love not fear. To not feel separate, alone and isolated. To live long enough, forgetting the reasons we cried and remembering what made us laugh.
In the middle of middling through it all we want to return to real happiness, peace and contentment, for those to be our first thoughts. To explore the unknown territory within us. We want to face our truth. Laugh. Love. Forgive. Share. We want to to feel love, be love, express love.
We want to own and acknowledge how we really feel, not hide behind a put on brave face. We want to make mistakes, and not be condemned for learning through them. To take risks.
Even in the midst of doing the dishes, making beds and going shopping we want the courage and confidence to follow our convictions, to be unconventional, question the rules we didn’t agreed to, stand up for what we believe in and all without the worry of what others are thinking and saying. We want to find out who we really are, to listen to our inner wisdom, and trust that we can make the best decisions for us.
To live in a way we add extra to the ordinary.
All that, and be grateful when an older dog falls asleep so she can have a good day tomorrow .
We tend to think the million little ordinary details aren’t as valuable compared to the longing to find our core, and that’s not true.
Every moment is needed to experience all life. The quality of your life is in how you live, not in how you are going to live.
It’s all included when you want to face the truth of who you are now, this instance, you have to be the honest witness of the life you have. To acknowledge that all the details are important when writing the only and final version of you.
Real change and transformation occurs when you can first accept, and then learn to Love the life you’ve got. “We cannot change anything unless we accept it”.
Please realise deeply, that there is here. Then is now. Everything matters, nothing is wasted, until you decide and value what is more important than the other. Your task, your only task, is to embrace and say yes to all of it. All. Of. It.
Inner courage is welcoming all life as it happens and unfolds.
To accept what is – acceptance does not mean that you like it, agree with it, or want it – it is simply the act of accepting it, it is the way it is, and when you accept it and not fight it, peace enters.
None of us have any place else to go.
Stay with the moment.
In each one you have the opportunity to transform.
Normal, ordinary, unusual and extraordinary are happening all at the same time.
A life well lived – and lived well – is seeing the big things in the small things and finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Lots of love,
What a lovely post this is, I do love the way you write. Yes all our moments do matter, I need to stop and remember that a bit more often. x
Hi Emma, me too! xxx