The Unlock Your Courage Toolkit Includes:
- 7-part Self-Confidence Course (sent to your inbox over a few days from today)
- A copy of Dare to Be You (a free ebook)
- 4 Affirmation Books
- A copy of Unfolding
- Plus, I'll send you all the Living Moxie updates.
This is why:
You know a lot already, I'm just here to remind you.
You know you aren't here to live, work or create in fear. Intuitively you know it.
You know - deep down - that you are infinite creative potential.
You know you aren't here to dull yourself down or to follow the scripts and stories that others have imposed upon you.
You may know that you want to grow, you probably know exactly the area(s) of your life that need your attention so you can transform them.
You probably can look at your life, career or business and can pinpoint right now where fear, doubt, sabotage is stopping you creating what you know is possible.
Fear seems to always get in the way.
You want to trust yourself.
You want to listen to your core, trust the whispers of your heart and take your lead from your inner guidance (that's the voice that's always right but we never give it much air time).
But there is a block, a veil, something that stops you taking those final steps.
You probably know where fear is holding you back.
You probably are well aware - and don't need me to tell you - where fear is your hurdle to living your truth from the inside out.
I have no doubt that you are well aware just how much fear is stopping you from becoming who you came here to be.
Fear isn't all your fault. A lack of courage and confidence is not all your fault.
The world as we know it - but it is changing - is built on fear.
It's rife with fear messages. You may have tried to make shifts and changes before and can't understand why you go so far and then stop, or why you go do far and step back.
Until you undress fear, expose it, until you take it apart and question your beliefs (and how they got there), until you understand fear mentality, culture, history and fear conditioning and just how deep it runs through all areas of your life everything you do is just a paint job, a cover up, and it won't be long before the cracks start to show again.
Imagine for a second ...
You didn't subscribe to any fear?
Imagine that everything you learned in life had been from Love? Imagine for a second that the media didn't dictate what you should look like, what to wear, how to 'fit in'. Imagine that we didn't have labels, that you were identified as a being human, not by a postcode, a job title, a salary or a make of car.
Hard to imagine? Of course, it is. But, as I said before it takes courage to be who you are in a world telling you what it wants you to be - what it wants you to believe, buy, fear, and not question.
So, are we all screwed?
Hell. No. Far from it.
So many are awakening to reclaim their courage and confidence, reconnect with creativity, remember who they really are.
They are remembering:
- They arrived infinite creative potential, not a vessel for fear to be poured in to.
- They are not separate. We are connected. All one.
- Fear isn't to be feared. Not all fear is bad, it's just Love is so much better.
- Flourishing is their birthright. Sure, we face adversity, but all of us - no exclusions - are here to become who we are. All of us? Yes.
- They are sovereign.
- They are enough, now.
I don't claim for a second that what's in this wee offering of mine will have your life all hunky dory by the time you eat your toast in the morning. But, my wish, my big intention in putting it together is to help you start to break down the barriers, hurdles, false scripts and stories you keep telling yourself about you. Even if you get to the end and think, 'Wait, actually, I can!', then it's down a wheen of work.
But, my wish, my big intention in putting it together is to help you start to break down the barriers, hurdles, false scripts and stories you keep telling yourself about you. Even if you get to the end and think, 'Wait, actually, I can!', then it's down a wheen of work.
Even if you get to the end and think, 'Maybe there is another way', then it's down a wheen of work.
The toolkit contains (click the links for more information): 7-part Self-Confidence Course (sent to your inbox over a few days from today), a copy of Dare to Be You (a free ebook), 4 Affirmation Books, a copy of Unfolding, plus I'll send you all the Living Moxie updates.
What people say:
Thank you for your insightful words; they come through in everything that I’ve read that you’ve written! FC
For the first time ever I feel as though I am not being spoken down to. At first I was a little 'eh'? But I get it, the relaxed and informal way, it's going in! Thank you. SM
I found this course extremely useful. I can't begin to tell you how much your course has helped me not sure if some of my co workers like it though as I am not reacting to situations the way they would have me tends to make them confused and uneasy! SK
Thank you for your wonderful series on self confidence. Your writing is very entertaining and resonates with me. Thank you Dawn. I look forward to enjoying more of you amazing lessons.
I just want to say that you have very good material and powerful content. It’s speaking to me in so many levels, I can’t even begin to describe what I am feeling right now. VN
Thank you sharing this wonderful confidence programme. TR
I, selfishly, hope your filling your eyes,ears and heart with more powerful images and experiences to inspire us! I went through your whole program and I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and ask whats next? AH