Living Moxie exists to help you create them. We can do this through running live events and training workshops, writing, delivering online sessions, bespoke work, and one-to-one coaching. I deliver personal and professional workshops and training - including Confidence and Courage, Core Values, and Employability for individuals, charities, and non-profits, and very small - but with a big vision - business owners.
Here's a sampling of what we can do:
Online Workshops
You want to take some time for you, but I know that you probably can't just drop life: sort out a dog walker, find a willing full-time cat servant, dump children on an auntie, or take a sickie so you can show up for an in-person workshop with me here in Edinburgh, so here's another option Online Workshops & E-Courses.
Whether you want to work on your confidence, courage and undoing the false scripts and stories you have about you and your life in a group setting (The Moxie Project), or you want to explore what you should be getting paid for (Do What You Love) or if you aren't looking for a course, but want to learn how to show yourself more compassion & kindness (Unfinished Human) there may be something here to help you.
Live Events & Training Workshops
Live events and workshops primarily take place in Edinburgh, UK - from monthly Moxie Campfires to personal and professional development training workshops. In addition to the events below, please check out the upcoming events calendar.
ValuesBased Coaching
Your core values are the foundations They are the heart, home, and centre of why you are doing what you do and why, and what you are not doing.
It doesn’t matter what area of your life you wish to work on, at the core of everything is ‘you’, the you that you’ve been, the you that is present and the you that you want to become. ValuesBase© coaching will be personal, custom made, unique and the work we share will look at you as a whole person with all your dreams, goals, beliefs, views, opinions, and aspirations.
If you’re seeking someone who can truly come out to meet you where you are at, help you get to where you are longing for but perhaps have doubted for so long. This might be for you.
Bespoke Training
We have been providing exceptional and unique personal and professional learning experiences for individuals, teams and groups for nearly two decades.
What makes us different is that we combine traditional training methods with additional methods such as NLP, powerful and engaging facilitation, values-based coaching and brain-friendly/accelerated learning techniques.
Often, individuals ask us to create a solution which is a combination of all the above because, well, as you know, nothing in life comes in a neat little box.
LM offers bespoke training and development services to individuals, teams, groups, organisation, non-profits, small businesses, and funders.

Firewalking and Experiential Learning Events
For individuals, charities, and non-profits
Over at we deliver firewalking and experiential learning events for individuals, groups, teams and charities/non-profits looking to fundraise, build team effectiveness and trust or use the experiences to concrete a piece of learning.
To find out more about firewalking, please: