At the core (read: right at the heart of it, the thing that's so difficult to put into words), Living Moxie exists to create a more loving, inclusive, healthy and peaceful world by honouring our authenticity and having the courage to act upon it.
We all want to be seen, to have a place in the world, to be valued and valuable, to have the freedom to create, do work that matters and have access to community and support when we need it.
We want to live a life rich with personal meaning, to not struggle or feel isolated, shamed, judged and alone, we want to be treated with love, compassion, and kindness.
But it’s a hard ask. I do know that.
We look into our immediate communities and the larger world and we see it’s not available to all. People do suffer. They are hurting. All does not mean all, exclusion exists. Even with all the devices to connect us, we appear to be further apart.
We have a voice, but who is listening? We want to engage, we want to offer what we can to our communities, we want to use our passions and own skills to relieve some of the sufferings but where do we begin, how can we develop our own courage to stand up.
Leaving the road of me, joining the path of we
Everything starts on the inside and works it way out. Change begins with you. When you are clear about who you are, what you stand for, what’s important and have clarity about aligning who that is with what you ‘do’ in the world, the effect can only ripple out and touch others.
It takes courage to be the one to go first.
Courage to be the one to stand up and risk being told to sit back down. But the world needs you. It needs you to step.
Living Moxie puts authenticity at the heart of this, the foundation on which everything is built. Through workshops, events, programs, methods and approach it’s about supporting you to:
- Lead your life from the inside out.
- Develop your courage and confidence to act.
- Align who you are with what you do in the world.
- Creating meaningful relationships.
- Transforming your communities.
- Find peace in a very busy world.
- Serve in your most authentic way.
Living Moxie is where you can explore what matters most to you, and connect with the courage to create it.
Emerson wrote, ‘to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment”, he was right.
- What are you called to be, make, create, do, offer, deliver or lead?
- Are you ready to bring it out – to align who you are with what you ‘do’ in the world?
- Would you like the help to clarify what it is and the courage to deploy it?
Your dreams, goals, and wishes require rock-solid friendly support, energetic encouragement, strict accountability, plus maybe tools to overcoming your resistance, obstacles, and self-doubt.
Through workshops, programs, events, coaching and resources I would love to help you reconnect with your courage and confidence, remove your obstacles and hurdles (real and imagined) so you can own your gifts and talents (paid or not) and support you to align who you are on the inside with the contribution you want to make on the outside. Always it’s about connecting with what matters most, including other people.
You can read more about the Living Moxie mission, values and approach by clicking here, or if you would like to know more about me (Dawn), please click here.
It is crucial to our work that staff have not only the ability to carry out the tasks involved but also a genuine commitment to empowering people. Dawn, due to her extensive operational experience are fully aware of our need for this value base and draws it to the fore in her trainees. This means that the people we recruit from her courses are to a large extent pre-equipped with this insight into why we do things in the way we do. This is invaluable as staff are often working alone and need to use initiative. If staff understand the principles behind what we do they can use their initiative successfully.” Service Manager, Social Care Provider
“Thank you for coming to work with us. Your input to the event was the most ‘inspiring’ and the ‘most useful’. Your delivery is creative, inspiring, energetic, inclusive and your encouragement fantastic.” – HG, Edinburgh College