When little business owners come to me they - usually - have a very good grasp on what they need to do, what they should be working on and, without question, know what they are creating and why. That isn't up for question.
But they get stuck and often a little lost. They are forever going up to the moment they have to leap and then right at the last minute they step back. Fear, self-doubt, and sabotage grip them hard. They become frustrated with themselves, they begin to question their skills and talents and start to tell themselves (false) stories of 'not being good enough' or worry endlessly about what others will say and think.
This is not a skills, talents or passion problem, it's a confidence and courage problem. They begin to lose their way, instead of remaining true to who they are, why they started and their core they do one of two things: stop or work in fear mode.
This is where I can help.

What I know ...
The path you’re walking on – when you crave to make a difference using your talents and gifts in your own business – can be bumpy, uncertain, overwhelming, at times isolating and lonely, and you may feel like it’s a never-ending uphill trek. Especially when you are just starting out, or you have lost your way a little.
And yet, it’s can also be beautiful, rewarding, creative, exhilarating, inspiring, authentic, filled with truth and the full version of you. And for those of us who choose to hike this bumpy but challenging path, we wouldn’t have it any other way. We know it’s right, for us.
But you don't have to do it all alone. Living Moxie can help you align all areas of your work to your core values, unlock the potential of yourself or those who work for you, support you to create a business that is a full reflection of who you are and what you stand for.
The Business Case for Moxie
You are unique. Your business will be a full reflection of your individuality. The difference you want to make cannot be created by any other human being in your lifetime, or ever again. Nobody else can be you, replace you, or do your work and calling in your way.
You don’t fall in line, you are the line. You make the decisions and choices of how you are going to show up and do your work.
You and your values, your beliefs, your core, you have to bring your whole Self to the party.
And, I believe, that takes moxie,
It takes courage, confidence, and bravery stay grounded and connected with who you are.
It takes commitment and compassion to allow your work that matters to be shaped and guided by your core values: to allow them to show you the way through tough and challenging moments, to allow them to help keep your passions and purpose alive and ignited, and always there in your first thoughts when choosing where to focus your attention. For them to move you gently and gracefully towards what matters, and not away from it.
The service and the product comes from you, it is secondary in your business.
At some stage, you’re going to reach out and build relationships with the people you want to work with, help and serve.
That means you have to take all of who you are and put it out into the world to be seen, in a language that people understand and can connect with so that they can make a choice if what you are offering is for them, or not.
And this – in my experience and those of my clients – is where people can start to disconnect from their core, they get lost, get overwhelmed and let fear take over, the lose confidence in themselves.
The result?
You may not remember the road you set out on and the reason why you started. Your values get hijacked by the shiny lights and publicity stunts belonging to others. You may start to doubt yourself and wonder what gives you the right to be showing up.
The most amazing, heart-centred, passion-driven, savvy, smart and genuine people – with great ideas, talents, gifts to offer the world –completely lose themselves, their meaning and why.
They go round and round in circles, trying to connect all the dots, operating from fear, comparing themselves and their work with others, they burn out and give up.
It doesn't have to be that way for you. It really doesn't.