"To create a more compassionate, inclusive, and peaceful world by honouring our authenticity, accepting that we all have unlimited creative potential and unique skills and gifts to offer and to help people courageously act upon it for themselves, and for the greater good of the communities they live in and serve."
But why?
Because we all want to be seen, to have a place in the world, to be valued and valuable, to have the freedom to create, do work that matters and have access to community and support when we need it. We want to live a life rich with personal meaning, to not struggle or feel isolated, shamed, judged and alone, we want to be treated with love, compassion, and kindness.
But it's a hard ask. We look into our immediate communities and the larger world and we see it's not available to all. People do suffer. They are hurting. All does not mean all, exclusion exists. Even with all the devices to connect us, we appear to be further apart. It seems to be a road that we can't turn back from. We have a voice, but who is listening? We want to engage, we want to offer what we can to our communities, we want to use our passions and own skills to relieve some of the sufferings but where do we begin, how can we develop our own courage to stand up.
Leaving the road of me, joining the path of we
Everything starts on the inside and works it way out. Change begins with you. When you are clear about who you are, what you stand for, what's important and have clarity about aligning who that is with what you 'do' in the world, the effect can only ripple out and touch others. It takes courage to be the one to go first. Faith to be the one to stand up and risk being told to sit back down. But the world needs you. It needs you to step.

Living Moxie puts authenticity at the heart of this
Authenticity is the foundation on which everything is built. Through workshops & events, programs, and approach (practices and principles) it's about supporting you to:
- Lead your life from the inside out.
- Develop your courage and confidence to act.
- Align who you are with what you do in the world.
- Creating meaningful relationships.
- Transforming your communities.
- Find peace in a very busy world.
- Serve in your most authentic way
Living Moxie Core Values
INCLUSION: everyone is in, and everyone is counted. We cannot work on ourselves at the exclusion of others. Everyone has a voice, and if for some reason it’s not heard, to support and find a way so it is.
AUTHENTICITY: to be real, genuine and to own who we are and what we do/say. To be a beacon for what is real. To ensure that what we do on the outside aligns fully with what we feel on the inside. To speak our truths.
INTEGRITY: to hold ourselves accountable and responsible to our feelings, words, and actions. To be whole, true and honest with ourselves and others. To foster and adopt trusting and worth relationships.
COMPASSION: to respond to the needs of others, to hold space for them, to remember that we all suffer, to try and identify with that suffering to help relieve it if possible.
LEARNING: there are no bad learners, we all have the capacity to learn and have the freedom to do so, to not stop questioning, stay curious and always seek answers and solutions to our challenges.
FAITH: Living Moxie includes faith, faith is the quote ‘hope tries one more time’. No matter the circumstances, challenges or obstacles ahead faith is believing in our capacity to grow, shift and change, the resilience needed to faith adversity and to know that tomorrow can never be the same day as today.
CONNECTION & COMMUNITY: we need people, we need to be seen and heard, we have much to offer and give as well as more to learn and think about. We are powerful beings, we are stronger when we are working together for the benefit of all.
COURAGE: unlike the mercurial nature of confidence (that rises and recedes often), courage is the grounding, the quality and mindset to stay the course, to plant yourself in the world, to rise when necessary and when it’s required. To hold onto all your values with compassion, trust, and love and believe that you’re time here matters.
PASSION: to not quit, to remember why it’s important, to not lose your sense of purpose or the meaning of why you started. To seek support and rest when you need to.
Non-discrimination: I oppose any discrimination, marginalisation or persecution of any person. Anyone who comes to Living Moxie will receive assistance based solely on need and my capacity to provide help.