As well as online workshops and courses, live events and workshops take place at Living Moxie. Primarily, the workshops I arrange take place in and around Edinburgh, UK. If you would like to bring a workshop to your neck of the woods, get in touch and let's chat.
If you decide to join me you'll find that most of the live events and workshops are relaxed, informal, intimate and fun. The learning content is always kept real and the ball is always in your court.

Moxie Campfires
It's so radically simple. It's leaving the road of me and joining the path of we. ... it's all about the '- tion' ... conversation, connection, collaboration, inspiration and creation.
It’s where your creativity flows, your ideas are ignited, your passions are lit and fueled. Think together we are stronger. Think people first. Think sharing stories.
What to Expect:
If I can I would love to help you discover what really matters and align what you find with what you 'do; in the world: you can explore your own sense of meaning and purpose for your life and life work. You could transform your career or your business as you listen deeply to what is required from you, increase your confidence and courage, renew your passion for living authentically and congruently, deepen your clarity on what you want for your life, support your commitment to making difference, leaving legacy and being of service to others.
Events and workshops at Living Moxie are a delicious affair. Sparkly. Inclusive. Beautiful. Full of conversation, fun and laughter.
Kind Words:
Thank you for the most amazing support, the programme has made me so much more aware of me, who I am and what I’m all about. It went way past my expectations and you covered everything in such great detail. I’m no longer afraid to just ‘go for it’.
Since being on a the course I have managed to get my life back on track due to the confidence and self-belief which was instilled back into me, by the content, the interaction, fellow trainees and Dawn.
The course was just what I needed. I feel confident and my self-esteem has increased no end. I have learnt just to be myself. I can’t believe how you managed to look after each and every one of us, I have enjoyed all the time here. Thank you.