Do you need some time, space, support and guidance to think about what you want to create next? What’s at your core that needs to be brought out? Are you thinking about taking your life and work in a different (or even new) direction, but don't know where to start?
This one day workshop is about defining what you want the next act of your life to be. It will help you clarify what matters and devise a plan on where you go now.

Cultivating Courage was developed around the themes of core values, personal centred planning and sections of my online workshop The Moxie Project.
- What do you want to make, lead, create, be do?
- Share your knowledge, skills and expertise with others?
- Do you want to make a difference or leave a legacy?
- Be a change agent, impact and inspire others?
- Build a movement, change your community?
- Leave the world in a better place?
- Show up as yourself - fully, flawed and fabulous?
How do you align who you are with what you do in the world? What actions and steps do you need to take to create a life that is meaning rich? What are you here to do? How can you begin with what you've got and where you are? Who can you engage and recruit to support you? Come and take part, take some time to answer these questions and more and develop a plan to support your ideas and aspirations, and stay in alignment with your core values.
This is a new workshop from Living Moxie.
It takes courage to own who we are and what we say. It takes courage to take steps we've never taken before towards the creation of our dreams and goals. It takes courage to declare to ourselves what we really want to create next, and a little more to get it out and down into a plan that assists us to create it. The Cultivating Courage workshop is about keeping it real. The foundations of the workshop are authenticity, confidence, courage, creativity, passion, purpose and action.
What to expect from the day:
How you define courageously authentic for you
More clarity on what matters & what you want to create next
A clearer idea of what you want to create
Your definition of 'life, on purpose'
Real goals, that you have created
Planning the next 40 years
Owning your voice and the courage to step forward
How to allow yourself to unfold
How to identify resources and support
A plan of action
In order to grow into courageously authentic humans, we have to remove the weeds and plant the seeds we want to look at, nurture them, provide the environment and maintain the perfect conditions. Once we apply the same thought to our own lives, the possibilities are endless.

It's true the confidence and courage are not static, they do rise and fall, they can be strong and in abundant supply some days and others they escape us. In order to cultivate a healthy esteem, wholeness, confidence and to align who we are with our deepest values, we need to cultivate, develop and unfold our own uniqueness. To remain true to our core we have to build on solid foundations when we are standing on the rocky ground nearly everything seems uncertain and lacking our own truth.

How the day works:
Cultivating Courage is a small, intimate, group event (maximum 20 people) delivered cafe style. You will be guided the whole way throughout the day and you will have plenty of opportunities to share and discuss, work privately and break into small groups.
If you have any questions about Cultivating Courage, whether you think it's right for you, please do get in touch with me.
We will mix and match the whole experience. You will be set reflective questions, prompts, tasks and challenges. You won't be asked to share anything you don't want to. It's your day. You can choose how much depth you go to. It will be a warm and welcoming experience, it will be fun, engaging, relaxed and you will receive the Cultivating Courage workbook and other resources to work on during the day and at home. Once the day is over you will be invited to a private Facebook community, where you and other participants can work on your goals further.
When is the next workshop?
For dates please click here (Upcoming Events)
Want to organise a Cultivating Courage workshop for your group? Please contact me and let's make it happen.