It's so radically simple: leaving the road of me and joining the path of we.
You have plans, goals, ideas for your personal and professional life. It's not that you aren't motivated to get them done, you just aren't sure on how to get them done. Perhaps every time you begin to take action you hit a hurdle or snag and you wish that you had some other people you could turn to who could help you beyond your 'sticking' points. You're done trying to work things out on your own, and you would love (read: love love love) to be part of a community who you could turn to as you're getting started on your 'thing'.
That, lovely, is Moxie Campfires.

What are Moxie Campfires?
Moxie Campfires are part party, part solution hubs, part brainstorming, part masterminding, part questioning, part listening. part guidance, part clarity, part storytelling, part focus, part hand-holding, part butt-kicking and always full on connection.
TBC January 2019
Imagine a space where you:
- Can have deeper connection, more meaningful relationships, hear the stories of others who will understand the drive behind your passion to create.
- Could come together with others, and leave with fresh ideas for your life, work, and business, to try out, to notice serendipity, to leave inspired.
- Share and offer support, and receive the same in return. To access another brain or two and their experiences, to work out challenges coming up in the day to day running of your life, business, your career or projects being undertaken.
- Develop a practice of showing up, taking part, heart and mind open, having conversations that inspire growth, development, community and making a difference.
- Tackle issues which are unique to you, rekindling sparks and lighting inner flames.
- Have insights from the experiences of others.
- The whole purpose is for you to get beyond your sticking points and have doable actions you can implement straight away.
- Space for you to work on your projects and ideas and how you are going to launch them into the world.
- Get out your own head. To stop wasting so much time making lists and doing nothing. Come and get the push you need, or the handhold you crave.
Are they for you?
Are you an individual who is stuck, stopped, stalled on your big idea?Are you in a transition? Perhaps you're in the process of some big change in your life? Are you on a mission to offer up to the world your gifts and talents? Do you have an idea what will make a difference but don't know how to make it come alive? Do you have ideas, dreams, wishes, and goals but you lack support, resources, connection, community, alternative ideas and other people to bounce off?
You could be in limbo land wanting to move from one career to the next, a solo business owner, a writer, a creative dame or damsel … or somewhere in between … and you crave to be surrounded by people who you can turn to for support, brainpower, ideas, a-ha moments that will help you, you're craving deeper connections, community, and collaboration and a place to really get to work on what it is you are creating.
How they came about ...
There have been many times in my own life, career, and business when I have felt utterly alone, bamboozled, overwhelmed, lacking clarity and I had no-one to turn to when I've been launching my own ideas. I craved being able to speak about what was going on with me with people who would just 'get it' and help me brainstorm ideas, find clarity, have my back so I could get unstuck, get some focus, momentum, and traction.
Sure, friends would listen and be highly supportive, and my parents, my beloved and the dog but they weren't always the best people to turn to for specifics. How could they be? They have their own lives.
I didn't want a coach or a mentor. I longed to meet, connect and share with people and be part of a community where laughter was in ready supply and the work got done.
I couldn't find anything. Yes, there was traditional networking events and meet-ups but they still didn't offer the deeper conversation, community, and connection at the level I wanted. So, with my own experience - and listening to my own clients - there was nothing left to do, but to create it. And here we are. Moxie Campfires.
Why you should consider coming ...
We can't always see the way through for ourselves, we are too close, sometimes it takes input from others to help us pay attention to what we are not seeing ourselves.
When we write down and vocalise to others where we are at, where we want to be, and where we are stuck we can get the help we need to see beyond our blindspots and perhaps limiting beliefs and perceptions.
We all need support. We all need to be heard and listened to. If we are open to receiving input from others they may help us in a large way by giving us other insights of what is really going on with us.
The intention is that by the time you complete a campfire you will have a list of clear doable actions you can take to move you forward to your goals. Your co-campers will help you by focusing on your talents, gifts, skills and strengths and work with you on your goals and what action you need to take first. You will be expected to offer the same in return.
The campfire is a place to let your creativity flow, ignite your ideas or strengthen current ones, gain clarity, make a plan of action, and go away totally fueled and ready to put it in place.
Think together we are stronger and connection first.
Think sharing stories and experiences.
Think creativity and people that care about you and your ideas.
Sample Agenda
A sample agenda for the campfire (open or specific topic):
6:00: Meet for 6.30 start. Intros and hello, coffee and cake.
6.30: Camp - brainstorming, ideas generators, round robins, solution finding, cafe style, conversations, leaping hurdles, overcoming barriers, getting support for your ideas and actions you can take straight away.
9.30: Finish
Once the official camp time is finished you may, of course, spend time afterwards connecting with others.
Upcoming Campfire Dates
Next Dates TBC
Lastly, why campfires?
Everyone who sits by a fire is fascinated by it, it's warmth draws us in and asks we take part, it doesn't exclude or leave anyone out. We all have a role at a campfire: we all add things to the pit, keep it burning, arranging, moving coals around – making sure the flames don't go out as we surround it. We are warmed by fire. We give in and we take out
We all have stories, experience, skills, passions, ideas, mistakes, something to share. We all have something to contribute. Campfires are a place to share them. When we hear others stories, we connect with the storyteller. When we connect with the storyteller, we realise that we are not all alone, that others can be beacons and signposts for us, and our experiences for them.