Living Moxie uses a values-based approach. In order to honour our authenticity and to courageously act upon it for ourselves, and for the greater good of the communities we live in and serve, in all I do at Living Moxie - courses, workshops, coaching, events - this approach ensures that all who engage are offered a safe and nurturing space to explore, discover, learn, design and commit what they want for their life and also held in the belief that they hold the answers to what they are seeking.
It doesn’t matter what area of your life you want to bring, at the core of everything is ‘you’ – the past you, the you that is present and the you that you want to become next.
At the core of this approach is authenticity - what is real and genuine for you.
There are a few key questions that people are asking when they arrive at Living Moxie:
- Who am I/are we?
- What’s important to me/us?
- What do I/we want to create/make/be/do?
- What’s stopping me/us?
- What do I/we need?
- What’s the plan?
- What is my/our first step?

Living Moxie Principles and Ethos
In order to reach these answers, whether as an individual or a team/group, Living Moxie is guided by these principles and ethos:
One: You are your best teacher and guide
We all have the best answers for our lives at any given time. In order to answer 'who am I?' and 'what's important?' we sometimes need the space, time and opportunity to take the time to answer the questions that we are asking. It’s a busy world, one that is filled with external messages telling us who we are and what we are like, who we should be, what we ought to do next. Living Moxie is a safe space for you to explore and reflect on who you are and what matters.
Two: There is no substitute for authenticity
Being your most authentic self is the most courageous thing you can do in your life, and the most loving. In order to become who we are we have to explore and remove what wasn’t ours in the first place. Some people know for absolute certainty of how they want to show up in the world, and how they want to align who that is with what they do. For others, that isn't the case. They may seek a 'purpose' or a 'passion', or spend a long time trying to work out how they can 'fit in', Living Moxie starts with the premise you have to know who you are (and yes, it will change) before you can align it with what you do.
Three: Everyone is unlimited creative potential
We may not be able to tap into it all in one lifetime but to honour and accept that it’s there, waiting, readily available even in the worst of circumstances can help us increase our capacity to become our most authentic selves. We all have obstacles, hurdles and barriers to leap, go round and overcome but we also have access to innate creativity that can help reach the best solutions for all of these.
Four: You matter and you are valuable
Simply because you are here. You have the right – along with everyone else – to own your space in the world. To show up, to take part, to contribute, to make your difference. To trust in yourself and your own choices and decisions.
Five: Community begins at 'home'
We may not change the entire world with our intentions and action, but we can change the world in which we immediately live. Community begins on the ground under your feet. And often what we seek and need - resources, connections, people, ideas, support - resides there also. Living Moxie encourages people to create these communities where action can take place.
Six: You have genius within you
Inside you are magnificence and greatness. You have unique skills, talents, gifts and offerings for the world that you and only you can share in your own unique authentic way. I have no idea what your genius is. I have no idea what you want to share, to lead, to give, to offer, to create, to inspire but without you, it can’t be done. I know that you may seek a plan, you may require your own roadmap of where you are stepping. Living Moxie works with the inner, but all creation requires an action.
Seven: This journey is a shared experience
We simply cannot grow into whole human beings without engaging with the world. All the time we are experiencing endings, transitions and new beginnings. We aren't alone in our journey, but in order to take it together, we have to be willing to walk with each other. To create a more loving, inclusive, healthy and peaceful world by honouring our authenticity, accepting that we all have unlimited creative potential and unique skills and gifts to offer and having the courage to act upon it for ourselves, and for the greater good of the communities we live in and serve, it's easier to step in the company of others.
Okay, and what does all that look like in practice?
Living Moxie provides workshops, courses, events, coaching and resources to help you reconnect with your courage and confidence, remove your obstacles and hurdles (real and imagined) so you can own your gifts and talents (paid or not) and support you to align who you are on the inside with the contribution you want to make on the outside. Always it's about connecting with what matters most, including other people.
This is how:
Practice 1: Create Learning Playgrounds
To provide fun, inclusive, inspiring, engaging and meaningful services - workshops, events, learning experiences - that engage with the whole person that are high challenge and low threat, embrace and ensure that tools, facilitation, and approaches deliver to individual learning styles and needs. Create a safe space to grow that is confidential, accepting, nurturing and says 'you matter'.
Practice 2: Honour Uniqueness
To embrace where we've been and honour where we are heading next. To see each individual as whole. To listen deeply and hear our stories. We all have a part to play, each and everyone one of us has something to offer. To ensure that people are heard, witnessed and acknowledged in all services.
Practice 3: Keep It Real
Offer down-to-earth, rich, rewarding and meaningful services that are applicable to all life.